Monday, November 28, 2011

the Interns Eye

This week as a intern at WYCC.  I had the enjoyment of working on a taping. Where the guest speaker was Tom Burrell. Mr Burrell is the founder and chief executive officer of Burrell Communications Group Chicago and Atlanta. Mr Burrell used his independent spirit, creativity and courage as a guide. To get from the mail room to Become one of top people in advertisng philosphy. One of his strenghths was the acknowledgement of the economic power of youth and communities of color.

Monday, November 21, 2011

the Interns Eye

This week at WYCC I was able to work on many projects. One of themI allowed me to meet Ms Cheryl Hyman. Ms. Hyman is currently serving as Chicago City College Chancellor. She also serves  as vise of Operations Strategy and Business Intelligence at Com Ed. She was taking a tour of Kennedy King and WYCC.  She was leading a group of people which included Representative Monique D Davis (D). Their were many others in their group,I was asked to speak to the group. That is how I was able to meet them both. It was very enjoyable speaking to the entire group.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

the Interns Eye

This week we filmed part of the Occupy Wall Street movement march. It was held in downtown Chicago , in front of the federal Reserve Bank, Bank of America, and the Board of Trade is where we set up our camp. We were meet by hundreds may be thousands of protesting people from across the area. The protest became very heated. At one point the streets became unpassable. So many of the protesters decided to just sit down in the middle of the street. They began to shout NO more cuts No more cuts. the more they shouted the more response  they got. The entire area was flooded by people, car,  buses, etc.
After a lengthy period, the chicago police department decided they had had enough an began to warn the protesters, to move along. They refused to move as ordered. After not responding to the police request The protesters were removed by force Some arrested others just removed. We tried to interview to from both prospects . Many of the pro testers were willing to talk. However we found very few big business people will to share their views

the Interns Eye

This week at WYCC we filmed a promo for The Murder Mystery marathon. I was one of the talents which acted out a scene and will air on WYCC on the thanks giving New Year and Easter holidays
Its an all you can watch, menu of murder,as we serve up two whole days of the Whose Who of Whodunit featuring the creme de la creme of crime solvers  Please tune into WYCC  Thanksgiving Mystery Marthon. Thursday, November 24 and Friday November 25 Mysteries to include Masterpiece Mystery, Touching Evil, Agatha Christies Poirot ,Midsome Murders, Prime Suspect and others just to name a few .

Monday, November 7, 2011

the Interns eye

This week at wycc I was part of the production Justice and Law Weekly. I had the pleasure of meeting the CEO of Chicago Public Schools Mr. Jean Claude Brizard. Mr Brizard as well as chicago public school board Vice President Mr. Jesse Ruiz. What a great show it became,there was a buzz of excitement the entire afternoon thru out the entire tv station.The two school leaders shared many views and insight of the direction . For the school systems to follow in the days tocome

Thursday, October 27, 2011

THE Interns eye

Today, we continued shooting for the series The Chicago Haunting.W e filmed at the post office near where  serial killer HH Holmes. Once lived, an  may have killed some of his victms , the young ladies whom worked or lived near there. The scene was shot in the basement, It has been said that ghost of the ladies are still haunting the building   Some of the actors that we used were Ms.falyn Harper. and Ms phillis  Stevens .

THE Interns eye

This week the crew at WYCC continued the filming of the show entitled The Chicago Haunting . This a seven week mini series  which plans to start airing on Oct,31 an will continue once weekly until the second week of Dec. We filmed at many different locations  All of which are to have some asking for more from Ms.Ursula Bielski whom is the author of  several books  and has a tour service. Which explores the supernatural side of the Windy City,and its famous ghost ." The Haunting of Chicago"will air on Saturday Oct 29 th. at 600pm and monday Oct.31 th. at 9pm only on WYCC.
We also went to shoot  a story of HH Holmes .Mr Holmes was a Serial Killer back in the 1900s.He would befriend young ladies lure them back to his house and later after having his way with them.  He would kill them and bury their bodies in his basement. A total of more than fifty body were said to be discovered buried on property.that he owned

The interns eye

This week on the Professors we produced two very interesting shows. One was entitled Motherhood and Disability. The focus of show was directed at single mothers with children whom live there lives with some type of physical disability .What if any additional  challenges does a single mother whom child is disabled. Face on a day to day bases.  How do they cope as they allow the child and face life. How they keep the umbrella of protection around there needy one. And at the same time encourage them to embrace life as it comes.  The show was hosted by Professor Tempest Hemphil of kennedy King college. Her guest included Professor of law and author Bonnie Mc Grath of Columbia College.Also Playwright  MS. Sabrina Nixon.Whom both provided different and enlighten imfomation
The second taping of the Professors was entitled Presidents responsibilty on job creation. This show was also delightful.  hoisted by  Professor Ted williams of kennedy King. His guest included Professor Tempest Hemphill of Kennedy King College , Professor CM Winters of Malcom X College ,and Edward Davis of Malcom X College. This discussion bounced back and forth between the guest, as they tried to point out who and what is "middle class"  an does America truely have a middle class any more.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Into the eye

Week number 3  was also a very informative week .Working with the editors , I shadowed them as productions for week2  were edited. I also shadowed one a female editor named Eryn as she developed a promo. for The Nightly News which Airs on WYCC. I am very thankful to all the staff members. They have opened the doors an allowed me a student. To experience a hands on intern training program that has truely helped me in my field of study. Each day I gain more and more ability with this hands on experience.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

the interns eye

Week 2 was a busy time we worked on three productions 1. the haunted chicago. This productions was based on the history of some of the buildings which said by some to be haunted. Some say there are ghost that still in habit these places . Where strange sounds, noises, and events occur on regular bases. We taped for hours however, this still a work in progress.
I also worked on two episodes of the weekly series the Professor  The professor is a production  set with Professors from local city collages of chicago. There topics of discussion are mainly current events of late and how they relate to us as a people ,as parents,students(as viewed as response by the professors students) and many other interesting an helpful topics for discussion. The Professors is an ongoing series that I look forward to working on an watching in the days to come. Thank You.