Thursday, October 27, 2011

The interns eye

This week on the Professors we produced two very interesting shows. One was entitled Motherhood and Disability. The focus of show was directed at single mothers with children whom live there lives with some type of physical disability .What if any additional  challenges does a single mother whom child is disabled. Face on a day to day bases.  How do they cope as they allow the child and face life. How they keep the umbrella of protection around there needy one. And at the same time encourage them to embrace life as it comes.  The show was hosted by Professor Tempest Hemphil of kennedy King college. Her guest included Professor of law and author Bonnie Mc Grath of Columbia College.Also Playwright  MS. Sabrina Nixon.Whom both provided different and enlighten imfomation
The second taping of the Professors was entitled Presidents responsibilty on job creation. This show was also delightful.  hoisted by  Professor Ted williams of kennedy King. His guest included Professor Tempest Hemphill of Kennedy King College , Professor CM Winters of Malcom X College ,and Edward Davis of Malcom X College. This discussion bounced back and forth between the guest, as they tried to point out who and what is "middle class"  an does America truely have a middle class any more.

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