Sunday, September 11, 2011

the interns eye

Week 2 was a busy time we worked on three productions 1. the haunted chicago. This productions was based on the history of some of the buildings which said by some to be haunted. Some say there are ghost that still in habit these places . Where strange sounds, noises, and events occur on regular bases. We taped for hours however, this still a work in progress.
I also worked on two episodes of the weekly series the Professor  The professor is a production  set with Professors from local city collages of chicago. There topics of discussion are mainly current events of late and how they relate to us as a people ,as parents,students(as viewed as response by the professors students) and many other interesting an helpful topics for discussion. The Professors is an ongoing series that I look forward to working on an watching in the days to come. Thank You.

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